Sunday, August 14, 2016

Third Party Emerges as Only Real Alternative for Many


Gary Johnson is not taking away votes from Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

Gary Johnson is giving back the vote, reengaging all those disenfranchised and disillusioned voters who would otherwise stay home - stay out of the election altogether - rather than cast a vote for either Clinton or Trump.

Rabid followers of the Democrat and Republican candidates will not be swayed from their polarized positions, planted firmly on opposite ends of the seesaw, no matter what Johnson or anyone else says.

It's the huge space in the middle, filled with unhappy, frustrated, and confused patriots who know that the two "choices" being offered are not good for their country, not good for their state, not good for their family. Those are the voters - a huge number of them - who are paying attention to Johnson and may be swayed to vote for him.

Repeat: The option for them - so many of them - is to otherwise stay home.

"And if, in four years, you decide you don’t like peace, prosperity, and freedom, you can always vote tyranny back into office again."

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