I do not pretend to have a solution to the panhandling problem in Rhode Island. It is complex at its core. But I do know I should not be shamed and forced into tolerating and accepting behavior that infringes on me. That is the biggest lie of "tolerance," another result of political correctness.
If they have a God-given right to beg - and under the First Amendment, apparently they do - it is likewise my God-given right to go about my business unmolested.
The First Amendment does not protect all speech; aggressive and threatening speech is not without limits. But your definition of aggression may differ from mine. I do not have to hear words threatening bodily harm to feel intimidated. Whether that is right or wrong is beside the point. I have the right to travel and conduct my business without unwanted and uninvited encumbrance or intrusion by another.
Someone standing on the corner holding a sign is not the problem with panhandling. It’s the personal approach – encroachment – into what was once politely considered “personal” space to make the direct ask that's the problem.
To intrude upon another who is minding his/her/their own business with the unsolicited ask can feel very threatening, very aggressive, and makes me vulnerable as I shift focus from what I was doing (minding my own business) to search in my bag for the dollar or two. I do have a right not to be subjected to that.
This is not limited to Providence, but the compassion Mayor Elorza intended when he decreed that police should ignore the law and not enforce the ordinances has done little or nothing to help the plight of the needy or to get at the fundamental problems.
It has, however, seriously ramped-up the number, and invited and emboldened opportunistic "syndicates" or "career" panhandlers who obfuscate the problems and prevent real solutions. Plus, social service providers will tell you not to donate because it is not an effective solution.
I am not asking for police aggression - I already said I do not know the right answer - but I, and others like me who just want to be left alone, do not want to be shamed by the sanctimonious into tolerating others’ infringing behavior.