"On Tuesday June 2nd, at 3 p.m., Jay Severin will return to the weekday afternoon timeslot on Boston's Talk Evolution 96.9 FM-WTKK. Jay regrets the remarks for which he was suspended and understands that his comments were indeed wrong and hurtful to the Mexican and Mexican-American communities. Accordingly, we feel it is time to end Jay's suspension and welcome him back to WTKK. All of our hosts have strong opinions and talk radio is a format for open and spirited debate about the many issues we face in Boston, New England, our nation and our world. There will no doubt be times when you disagree with Jay - and our other hosts too - but our ultimate goal is to maintain a level of conversation that is entertaining, compelling, and thought-provoking, yet civil and respectful. While we will not always succeed in walking this line, we will continually strive to do so.I stopped listening to Jay Severin when his snide derogatory remarks about women outnumbered what was once bold political commentary. I am no feminist - I love having my femininity appreciated and being treated like a lady (provided I act like one, ha). I like a strong masculine man - not one who will compete with me for the eyeliner. But the kind of guy whose grungy comments reduce a woman to a pair of boobs on long lean gams is just as repulsive as the hyper-emotive doormat-with-a-dick.
We hope you'll experience what Jay has to say this Tuesday and every weekday from 3 to 7 p.m."
Jay Severin is an entertainer. Most radio talk show hosts are - even my loved local and national favorites at 630 WPRO-AM. That's one reason audiences tune in - entertainment. However, for me, when genuine substance jumps into the back seat so antics and stunts can drive, I get out of the car altogether.
I lean conservative, shun political party affiliation, and can differentiate between speech that expresses dissent, and speech that's bigoted, sexist, racist, or prejudiced. I'm all for a feisty well-argued debate! But if I have to sift through too much grunge for the occasional gold nugget, I'm gone. (Which is why I don't watch commercial TV.)
Good luck back in Boston, Jay. But this one Best and Brightest won't be listening on Tuesday or any day.
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