True story, and I'm still digesting it: I was in Newport last night, used my GPS to get me on the right path home. Despite having been given oral directions, I followed what the GPS said, believing it would be the same path. I suddenly found myself on Route 138 - which, of course, is the Newport Bridge. I had no cash, and this route would be my LAST choice even with cash because it is the most expensive route, and there are other options.
As I drove on in the dark, I was sure I was on the wrong path but I didn't turn around, even though there was no traffic and plenty of room and opportunity to do so. I started rationalizing things would ultimately be OK.
Suddenly, there was no more chance to turn around, to go back, to do what I intended in the beginning and all along, which was find the right way home at no cost via Route 114; I was caught in the toll plaza, forced to account for wrong choices, hesitation, and doubt.
The attendant told me "they" didn't take plastic money - my only rationalized solution that everything would be OK. Sure enough, there was the sign saying as much, effective January 2012. So she wrote me a citation - after taking my driver's license - and handed me a little "free pass" to turn around and travel BACK over the bridge to find another way home. Toll: $4. Scratch that. Penalty: $10, payable within 30 days or my registration is suspended.
Once over the bridge back where I started, I tried GPS again. GPS insisted I get back on Route 138. "You are now off track." I turned the thing off. No. I wasn't.
I was off track by listening to someone outside of me. I was off track by relying on someone or something else to give me direction. I was off track by going into mental auto-pilot and not being consciously aware of my surroundings and being alert to signs along the road for the right path to follow, the right path I knew was best for me. And I was harshly reminded through a penalty for doing so.
Lesson: Be alert. Our path is not determined by anyone else but our own discernment of the signs along the way, and the choices we make about those signs, with conscious presence in the moment.
Peace be with your spirit. Otherwise, there are plenty out there who are ready to steal your piece.
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