Friday, June 18, 2010

Losing the Constitution (March 15, 2008)

Losing the Constitution

The other day I heard something that chilled me: "The media has too much freedom." Those words solidified my uneasy suspicion that the implosion of the mainstream media is being accelerated and deliberately orchestrated by unseen powers behind the scenes to incite the public to anger, fear and ultimately, to lead us to willingly abridge or abolish another of our Constitutional rights.

The most effective strategy to completely destroying something is to do it from within; external attack only galvanizes defenses. But if the credibility and integrity of an institution - any institution - can be destroyed by what is perceived as its own arrogance and irresponsibility, people will abandon it scornfully, or at least view it with permanent skepticism and distrust.

We must view the media as unreliable, biased, seditious, even traitorous, to successfully destroy its power and relevance in society. IT’S WORKING! Can you imagine talk of limiting freedom of the press otherwise? Consider two recent, outrageous, and very successful examples of this deliberate plan to simultaneously manipulate public opinion and undermine the media: the set-up of Dan Rather and of Newsweek. Bad personal decisions by individuals notwithstanding, we all lost faith in the credibility of these two giants of mainstream media.

Now consider other ways we’re distracted but witnessing our Constitutional rights and values-based foundational institutions being destroyed from within:

* fear of gun crime has led to laws that really only restrict law-abiding citizens, while failing to prevent criminals from obtaining weapons;

* trust in true representative government is eroded by politicians’ corruption and scandal on local, state and national levels;

* fear of terrorism - real or manufactured - has led to unprecedented abdication of personal rights;

* illegal aliens and enemy combatants demand the same Constitutional rights as American citizens;

* American judges are subtly quoting "world law" in their decisions;

* our country is being called the "homeland" blurring national borders and national sovereignty;

* "global" citizenship - as remote a concept from the individual as you can get - replaces real connection with our flesh and blood neighbors next door.

Add to that, the ideals of marriage and family are attacked by subversives who have infiltrated legislatures and the judiciary nationwide; religion is disgraced by pedophile clergy.

Do you see a pattern here? The very pillars upon which this country - and even human civilization - was built are being laid to waste, one by one, successfully, from within. And in many cases, we unwittingly demand that it be done.

The only way the United States can fall in line with the New World Order of one global government is to destroy that which makes America strong, independent, and unique: our Constitution. Slowly. Quietly. Deliberately. And, most absurdly, through the outcry of the people themselves, who sincerely seek a "fix" to the distracting and absolutely orchestrated micro-menaces, but who fail to see the macro-consequences.

Don't say it can't happen. Too much of today's reality was unthinkable just 10 years ago. Do I sound paranoid? You may think so. But that doesn't mean I'm not right. Pay attention.

(Written March 15, 2008; Published June 18, 2010 8:44 p.m.; Re-published January 22, 2023)

(c)2008 Lucie Raposo - All rights reserved (republished 2023)