Friday, June 23, 2023

More Impulsive Bad Behavior from Dem. Sen. Josh Miller

RI State Senator Josh Miller arrested for keying truck with anti-Biden sticker

Today, a story appeared in The Providence Journal reporting the arrest and arraignment of (STILL) Rhode Island State Senator Josh Miller for vandalism / malicious injury to property. Miller keyed a parked truck, bearing a "Biden sucks" sticker, in the parking lot of Garden City Center. 

The Democrat Miller, representing areas in Cranston and Providence, first lied and denied the incident. He later admitted he keyed the other vehicle "because he [the other driver] was daring me to, basically." 

Such exemplary behavior from a public servant. 

Arraigned by a justice of the peace and released on $1,000 personal recognizance, Miller's re-arraignment in District Court is scheduled for July 18. 

Surprise, surprise. The little big mouth declined media comment.

Maybe it had something to do with another time he opened his mouth to media. This arrogant slug's temper got the best of him in a public display of impulsive lack of self control that went viral. 

In 2014, Miller told a member of independent media who was covering a State House hearing on 2nd Amendment legislation to "Go fuck yourself." On camera. (I said Miller is impulsive; I never said he was smart.) GoLocalProv covered the original incident here. The video below is from the indie media reporter.

In fact, that incident so shocked and disgusted me, I wrote an opinion piece that was published in The Providence Journal on April 1, 2014. You will note it was not Miller's the profanity -- it was his arrogance that he did not have to account for his legislative actions.


Rhode Island Sen. Joshua Miller of Cranston got it wrong. When Miller used profane language on March 18 against a member of the public, he displayed the arrogance of incumbency.

Miller’s reaction is never appropriate, no matter the provocation. But he was not caught off-guard at the grocery store or asked an offensive or personally insulting question. Miller was approached while in the People’s House, in his job as state senator, after an anti-gun press conference, and was challenged to support his anti-gun position, which contradicts his oath to uphold the Constitution. All relevant.

Instead of addressing the issue or scurrying behind a “no comment,” Miller fired the verbal shot heard ’round the world. Ironic, for an anti-gun guy. And doesn’t it show a special brand of foolishness to speak such trash to a man with a camera?

In his March 28 column Bob Kerr got it wrong, too, virtually excusing Miller and his pathetic apology because of Miller’s target; Kerr called him “a member of the make-believe news media.” Besides the irony of such a statement coming from one who is paid for his opinion and not for objective journalism, the fact remains it does not matter who approached Miller. Miller proved he is a make-believe statesman.

The contempt in which these pseudo statesmen and women generally hold the public is appalling. Yet it’s epidemic. Why do we put up with it?

November offers the opportunity for remedy, to seriously clean House — and in this case, Senate.

This POS is STILL in office 10 years later. SMH, Cranston.

State Sen. Joshua Miller is accused of damaging the truck on the left, which displays an anti-Biden sticker.
(Photo Credit: Cranston Police per The Providence Journal)

This edited video is owned by Dan Bidondi,

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Teach Your Children Well

In no way do I want to undermine the work being done by brave Rhode Island parents to prevent the government or its schools from cutting out parents from decisions that affect the children. 

But message to parents: initiate the tough conversations with your kids yourselves! 

Are you telling me your transconfused rebellious child or teen is leaving NO EVIDENCE for you? Do you really need the SCHOOL to tell you the different clothes, hairstyles, moodiness, language and deportment, and other in-your-face evidence are more than "just a phase" and signs of a serious treatable problem? 

Maybe it is just a phase! I understand that's what you hope. 

But in this environment of rampant transgender contagion where all of a sudden all kids wonder if they are queer and school libraries are dispensing how-to-queer manuals like candy at Halloween, do NOT let the schools take your power, and do NOT think the schools will give you an inch. Do it yourself without the schools. 

You already know this: the consequences for letting others be the ones listening to and advising your troubled kids and encouraging their delusions have never been higher and more dangerous. 

Take care of your kids, be grateful for good and caring teachers, but be vigilant and fight to lawfully remove the predators from schools. The predators (more and more of them) are there with wide, warm smiles, hoping you cannot see them in the crowd.



Actively support your ethically- and morally-centered, common sense local, state, and national legislators who introduce bills to:

1. Move pornographic materials from school shelves to adult sections of public libraries. This is NOT book-banning, but responsible management of resources, assuring age-appropriate restriction and access. Related note: cartoon illustration DOES NOT mean material is appropriate for children.

2. Prevent chemical or surgical sexual alteration of minors. Prescribing cross-sex hormones, puberty blocking drugs, and / or performing life-altering disfiguring surgeries on minor children for cosmetic purposes causes irreversible harm. Mentally tilted adults advocate for such mutilation under the deceitful guise of compassion. Leave minor children alone and most will outgrow their confusion.