I have a confession. I am a grammar and punctuation snob. Hell, I’m not even pretending anymore – wide open, full-fledged, out of the closet, and proud to say I will click away from your “savvy” blog or “edgy” article because your poor spelling and absent punctuation are just too distracting. Your message is not worth it.
How sad. But true. Your credibility is flushed down the toilet – and your message becomes meaningless – if I have to wade through the muck and mire of your lazy writing habits.
Hey, everyone makes a typo or drops the occasional apostrophe or comma, sure! But I refer to the habitual its for it’s or it’s for its – repeated several times in the same article.
That is not just a typo. That tells me you do not know any better. Worse, maybe you do know better but you do not care. In the first case, how can I trust your advice about anything? In the second case, why would I trust the advice of someone with such disrespectful contempt for his or her readers? Yeah, no.
You may hate my message, and you can judge me on what I say, but I promise not to distract you with how I say it.
(c)2022 Lucie Raposo - All rights reserved
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