Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Conservative. "Tree-hugging hippie." Do they have to be mutually exclusive?

?? OR ??

I don't think it has to be an "either or" choice. In fact, either extreme - loony left or radical right - is unproductive. Both extremes are harmful because they lack balance and perspective.

So, I guess that makes me a hybrid.

I do drive one - a Toyota Prius (I love it!)

No paper OR plastic for me - I use reusable grocery totes. I switched as many light bulbs as I could in my home and office to compact fluorescents. I haven't had a cut Christmas tree for more than 10 years... and...

and I love Michael Savage, Jerry Doyle, Glenn Beck, and the hosts on my local "conservative" talk radio station, the No.1 station in my demo. (It's also where I listen to Coast to Coast AM.) *grin*

I consider myself rather conservative: I believe you should take care of yourself and be responsible for the consequences of your bad choices and not expect the government to bail out your stupid ass.

In fact, I think government has way too much control over what we can and cannot do - and it's getting worse by the day. Particularly when it comes to taking my money from me and deciding how to squander spend it. I'm not a fan of this new "redistribution" philosophy.

I work for the local PBS affiliate, generally considered a liberal organization. Public television is also a hybrid - seen by other media and the public as a TV station, but not just that; it's a non-profit organization, but it's not just that, either.

I may be conservative, but not a Republican. In my experience, lightly scratch a politician until a small piece of the veneer falls off and you'll find s/he is a Republicrat or Democan:

Both seem hell-bent on destroying our beautiful country, differing only in how and how fast. The campaign leading up to the most recent Presidential election frustrated me because my hybrid candidate, Ron Paul, didn't get a fair shake in the "mainstream" media (I was disgusted and disappointed by their display, but not surprised).

I love and appreciate nature, and I try hard to be considerate in what I do and how I impact it.

I do not believe in the sham theory of man-made global warming, but I do in cyclical earth changes.

Humans produce pollution that defiles water, land, and air; no argument there. But to think routine humankind is solely responsible for and in control of climate changes we're experiencing is just plain hubris. The sun, its flares, sunspots (or lack thereof) and solar storms have far more effect on the climate changes on our planet.

Gore's theory is just another form of brainwashing to control you through taxation. HUGE taxation on energy is already far along the Washington gravy train careening us toward poverty. *cha-ching!*

BTW, can someone tell me please how BUYING carbon offset credits does anything more than line someone's pocket? What good does it really do for the environment? Isn't it just a license for someone to continue doing the same bad stuff? (Plus make some people very rich in the process?)

*sniff sniff* smells like SCAM to me!

As a matter of fact, just yesterday, June 2, the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) released an extensive report (880 pages) "challenging the scientific basis of concerns that global warming is either man-made or would have harmful effects."

Of course, this does not account for the deliberate atmospheric manipulation (by governments?) to make, stop, redirect, and otherwise influence weather. Chemtrails, absurd and unnatural cloud patterns, and unexplained storm loops are just three examples of evidence of "man-made" climate change. But that kind of climate change is different from what you and I are being blamed for causing. 

*sigh* More lies, brought to you by the moochers and looters who want to make what's yours, theirs. 

* * * * *


  1. I recycle. I use a reusable coffee cup when I got starbucks. I have reusable shopping totes, but almost never remember them. This is about as far as I go >.<

    As for Carbon Offset credits--buying an acre of rainforest land and letting it stay wild certainly would "offset" one SUV. I think its all a matter on how that money gets used.

  2. Those grocery totes... yep, mine stayed in the kitchen, forgotten, too often, too. Then I decided to buy an extra bag each time I went to the store until I ended up with two "sets." I tend to use about 4-5 each time I shop, so I bought 10 (including a fabulous insulated one for cold or frozen foods). Now I manage to always have at least 4 in the car. :)


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