Sunday, October 21, 2012

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success. (Collection of pithy sayings)

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Many of life’s failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Wealth is a byproduct of persistence mixed with patience and wrapped with powerful belief.

Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that. Great ones will make you feel that you, too, can become great.

Time has no conscience. It doesn't judge. It only mirrors. What you have put into your time, it mirrors back as your life.

How much time have you wasted? If you spend it, it multiplies. If you invest it, it intensifies. And if you ignore it, it will pass you by.

When a man is winning, you see some of his character; when he's losing, you see all of it.

A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty.

To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Imagine and It Is

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
- Albert Einstein 

My simplistic discovery from the theory of quantum physics is that what we observe is the way it is because we observe it that way. By mere fact that we look at it, we change it, create it. But we see it from our theory of what it is, not for what it really is. It's all energy. All the same energy. Our energy transferred and reflected back. If we alter our vibration, the frequency of our energy, we change what we observe. And it's a physically measurable change. That's what's so mind blowing! These are theories thousands of years old of the spiritual realm, being confirmed by science.

We're stuck in misery because we think we are, and so we are. We are happy and whole because we THINK we are, therefore we create happiness and wholeness. Heady stuff. Yet empowering.

So, why are we more miserable than happy and whole?

Well, how many times have you heard (usually accompanied by a resigned shrug), "That's just the way it is"? We are replaying the subversive tapes being externally and deliberately fed to our subconscious from and reinforced by schools, religion, Hollywood, politicians, advertising, and the media. Those tapes feature the lie that we are deficient, incompetent, incomplete without others who are smarter or better than we are to make us whole; we are separate from everyone and everything we observe, subject to being the helpless victim of "reality" rather than its creator. False.

We are constantly bombarded by thousands of stimuli - waves - visible and invisible. Example: Of four people, one each standing North, South, East, West, North and South see each other clearly, but see East | West less clearly (peripherally). Likewise, East and West see each other clearly but see North | South less clearly. Yet the light waves that pass between and among the four people travel with no interference - and no conscious observation of that which is beyond our sight. Just because we don't see it does not mean it doesn't exist. In fact, the other people outside our line of sight are there - their energy exists and vibrates, but we don't "see" it.

That's the way unconscious messaging works. While we absorb and sort conscious stimuli, we are also absorbing subconscious information, collecting it, storing it, being affected by it, transferring it outward, and having it reflected back to us. This truth is the powerful tool of those who wish to control us: exercising their knowledge of the truth and our ignorance of it.

"Waking up" cannot successfully be imposed on another. It must come as a conscious individual choice from the inside out. (Shall I mention here the orchestrated decline of individual critical thought, discernment, and individual achievement - and the simultaneous emphasis on the value of groupthink?)

The collective consciousness is not a group of sheeple believing the same thing. It is similar, but with an essential distinction. Sheeple believe they are fractured and take their cues of wholeness from outside influences, abdicating their thoughts for those of others. Awake, conscious individuals know they are whole, complete beings - one in heart, mind, soul with God and His | our universe - standing side by side with other awake, whole beings, cooperatively sharing thoughtfulness and purpose. That is true collective consciousness.

Splitting the hair? Yes. It's hard to deprogram.

Still, we need to stop playing those subconscious tapes and consciously know that the weeds in artificial power above us right now will wither under our clear thought and focused observation that they are not better, more powerful, more intelligent, more entitled than we. We are they. They are we. Can you imagine the power of that thought made manifest?

UPDATE in JANUARY 2023: Being "Awake" is NOT the same as or even similar to the horrible "woke" trend that has gripped the culture over these past three or so years. 
Woke culture is the ultimate collectivist mentality (or mental disorder). It says, "I am a victim, and my life is miserable because your white, toxic masculinity oppresses me for my skin color and/or my sexual choices, you racist bigot." 
Dear Reader, if you cheer that ridiculous (but sadly accurate for the Woke) quotation, go away and never darken my blog with your shadow again.
Awake means you recognize your self-worth as a powerful individual and urges you to take responsibility to be the best you can be -- BETTER than you think you can be, reach higher for your goals and values! You know you are not a victim in any way. You alone are accountable for your thoughts, decisions, and actions you take.  
Remember your power: Imagine, and it is.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


True story, and I'm still digesting it: I was in Newport last night, used my GPS to get me on the right path home. Despite having been given oral directions, I followed what the GPS said, believing it would be the same path. I suddenly found myself on Route 138 - which, of course, is the Newport Bridge. I had no cash, and this route would be my LAST choice even with cash because it is the most expensive route, and there are other options.

As I drove on in the dark, I was sure I was on the wrong path but I didn't turn around, even though there was no traffic and plenty of room and opportunity to do so. I started rationalizing things would ultimately be OK.

Suddenly, there was no more chance to turn around, to go back, to do what I intended in the beginning and all along, which was find the right way home at no cost via Route 114; I was caught in the toll plaza, forced to account for wrong choices, hesitation, and doubt.

The attendant told me "they" didn't take plastic money - my only rationalized solution that everything would be OK. Sure enough, there was the sign saying as much, effective January 2012. So she wrote me a citation - after taking my driver's license - and handed me a little "free pass" to turn around and travel BACK over the bridge to find another way home. Toll: $4. Scratch that. Penalty: $10, payable within 30 days or my registration is suspended.

Once over the bridge back where I started, I tried GPS again. GPS insisted I get back on Route 138. "You are now off track." I turned the thing off. No. I wasn't.

I was off track by listening to someone outside of me. I was off track by relying on someone or something else to give me direction. I was off track by going into mental auto-pilot and not being consciously aware of my surroundings and being alert to signs along the road for the right path to follow, the right path I knew was best for me. And I was harshly reminded through a penalty for doing so.

Lesson: Be alert. Our path is not determined by anyone else but our own discernment of the signs along the way, and the choices we make about those signs, with conscious presence in the moment.

Peace be with your spirit. Otherwise, there are plenty out there who are ready to steal your piece.