Sunday, February 14, 2010

American Foursquare Remodel 10 - Kitchen Wallpaper

OK, the kitchen is 99% done... unless I act on my harebrained fantasy of refacing the cabinets. There's just baseboard trim left.

Here is the "before" look - plain off-white walls and some wood trim, natural wood, white counter and backsplash tile. (Again, these "before" pictures were taken with my cell phone camera back in October 2009; pardon the poor resolution.)

Here is my new "Tuscan inspired" wallpaper and area rug. I went with grape clusters. Hope that's not too "Kitchen Kleeshay."

I love the quality of the paper - it was a dream to work with. Of course, the wallpaper book is discontinued and it was tricky to get the paper - juuuuust enough with only scraps left over! In fact, the original order was canceled by one supplier, and I did a little arm-twisting of another distributor to send me what he had and I'd make do with it.

Interestingly, that same scenario played out for the bathroom and den wallpapers, too. But I managed to get the right amounts to do the jobs each time. Whew!

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